@metadata | sourceLanguage | "en" |
priorityLanguages | |
allowOnlyPriorityLanguages | true |
description | "video in Prod Testing - " |
display_name | "Video" |
subtitle-3320-6389-1 | "[Music]" |
subtitle-7800-10940-2 | "[Applause]" |
subtitle-10940-14849-3 | "wow what an audience but if I'm being" |
subtitle-14849-16770-4 | "honest I don't care what you think of my" |
subtitle-16770-19770-5 | "talk I don't I care what the internet" |
subtitle-19770-22410-6 | "thinks of my talk cuz they're the ones" |
subtitle-22410-24630-7 | "who get it seen and get it shared and I" |
subtitle-24630-25830-8 | "think that's where most people get it" |
subtitle-25830-27300-9 | "wrong they're talking to you" |
subtitle-27300-30510-10 | "here instead of talking to you random" |
subtitle-30510-34800-11 | "person scrolling Facebook thanks for the" |
subtitle-34800-38370-12 | "click you see back in 2009 we all had" |
subtitle-38370-40020-13 | "these weird little things called" |
subtitle-40020-43079-14 | "attention spans yeah they're gone" |
subtitle-43079-45420-15 | "they're gone we killed him they the dead" |
subtitle-45420-47760-16 | "I'm trying to think of the last time I" |
subtitle-47760-49920-17 | "watched an 18 minute TED talk" |
subtitle-49920-53100-18 | "it's been years literally years so if" |
subtitle-53100-55140-19 | "you're given a TED talk keep it quick" |
subtitle-55140-57840-20 | "I'm doing mine in under a minute I'm at" |
subtitle-57840-59640-21 | "44 seconds right now that means we got" |
subtitle-59640-62640-22 | "time for one final joke why are balloons" |
subtitle-62640-67340-23 | "so expensive inflation" |
subtitle-67340-72239-24 | "[Applause]" |
subtitle-73540-75600-25 | "you" |