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{"sourceLanguage": "en", "priorityLanguages": "[]", "display_name": "Edx Video", "subtitle-0-260-1": "[start]", "subtitle-260-1510-2": "ANANT AGARWAL: Welcome to edX.", "subtitle-1510-4480-3": "I'm Anant Agarwal, I'm the president of edX,", "subtitle-4480-7430-4": "I'm also a professor of electrical engineering and computer science", "subtitle-7430-8400-5": "at MIT.", "subtitle-8400-11120-6": "Online learning is revolutionizing the world.", "subtitle-11120-14290-7": "Education will never be the same again, and edX", "subtitle-14290-16650-8": "is at the cutting edge of this revolution,", "subtitle-16650-20790-9": "so when you take edX courses online, you are part of this evolution.", "subtitle-20790-23550-10": "Online learning is the ultimate democratizer.", "subtitle-23550-26190-11": "When you learn on edX, you're joining a community.", "subtitle-26190-31470-12": "Imagine taking a class with 100,000 or more students-- this social,", "subtitle-31470-32467-13": "this is a lot of fun.", "subtitle-32467-34050-14": "I think you will enjoy the experience.", "subtitle-34050-37400-15": "At edX it's about people, it's not about profit.", "subtitle-37400-42060-16": "For you, edX is about the best courses from the best schools and the best", "subtitle-42060-42910-17": "professors.", "subtitle-42910-45649-18": "Becoming a member of edX is easy.", "subtitle-45649-47690-19": "SPEAKER 2: We're really excited to have you here.", "subtitle-47690-51560-20": "We're going to get you started-- quick, three easy steps, browse,", "subtitle-51560-53990-21": "choose, and have some fun.", "subtitle-53990-58510-22": "Registration takes seconds, and once you register just browse the courses.", "subtitle-58510-60870-23": "When you find something that you like, click it.", "subtitle-60870-61860-24": "It's that easy.", "subtitle-61860-65150-25": "Choose wisely, you're selecting courses from the best schools", "subtitle-65150-66570-26": "all around the world.", "subtitle-66570-68570-27": "Make sure to check the prerequisites.", "subtitle-68570-71506-28": "Now you can choose your course and you're on your way.", "subtitle-71506-72509-29": "Welcome to the club.", "subtitle-72509-75550-30": "SPEAKER 3: Now that you've signed up for course, you can view courseware.", "subtitle-75550-78680-31": "The courseware is made up of great videos, automated feedback,", "subtitle-78680-82030-32": "and cool interactive features, all for self-paced learning.", "subtitle-82030-84080-33": "The interactives are designed to help you", "subtitle-84080-86630-34": "explore your understanding of key concepts.", "subtitle-86630-89786-35": "A big part of edX is getting instant feedback on your answers,", "subtitle-89786-91660-36": "frequently in the form of a green check mark.", "subtitle-91660-93659-37": "In a lot of questions, you can try as many times", "subtitle-93659-95570-38": "as you need to get that right answer.", "subtitle-95570-98490-39": "Courses can be tough, we make sure that they're rigorous,", "subtitle-98490-100235-40": "but they can also be a lot of fun.", "subtitle-100235-102970-41": "A big part of edX is the social aspect.", "subtitle-102970-105660-42": "You can be a social as you want on the discussion boards.", "subtitle-105660-107940-43": "In our forums, there's an active community.", "subtitle-107940-110790-44": "It's not just the professors, students help each other out.", "subtitle-110790-113902-45": "A typical course can run a semester length, or about 12 weeks.", "subtitle-113902-116610-46": "At the end of that course, if you've met the course requirements,", "subtitle-116610-118310-47": "you can get a certificate of mastery.", "subtitle-118310-121920-48": "Once you've completed the course, you're part of our group of lifelong learners.", "subtitle-121920-125300-49": "ANANT AGARWAL: EdX's mission is to help you get a quality education.", "subtitle-125300-129889-50": "EdX will increase access to learning for students such as yourself worldwide.", "subtitle-129889-133350-51": "This is fun, this is exciting, and this is revolutionary.", "subtitle-133350-136690-52": "Welcome to edX, come join us.", "subtitle-136690-140907-53": "[end]"}