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subtitle-1540-4090-1"oh I don't know why but I've always"
subtitle-4090-9280-2"loved the idea of summer and Sun and all"
subtitle-9280-12340-3"things hot really I'm guessing you don't"
subtitle-12340-15940-4"have much experience with heat nope but"
subtitle-15940-18420-5"sometimes I like to close my eyes and"
subtitle-18420-20679-6"imagine what it'd be like when summer"
subtitle-20679-21790-7"does come"
subtitle-24509-27970-9"bees the buzz kids'll blow dandelion"
subtitle-27970-31749-10"fuzz I'll be doing whatever snow does in"
subtitle-31749-38860-11"summer drink in my hand my snow up"
subtitle-38860-40629-12"against the burning sand probably"
subtitle-40629-51789-13"getting gorgeously tanned in some water"
subtitle-51789-58000-14"when it gets and I can't wait to see"
subtitle-58000-60210-15"what my buddies all"
subtitle-60210-66920-16"just imagine how much cooler I'll be dad"
subtitle-69560-72540-18"the cold are both so intense putting"
subtitle-72540-80850-19"together good time to stay in and cuddle"
subtitle-80850-84630-20"but put me in summer and I'll be happy"
subtitle-84630-92640-21"snowman relaxing in the Summer Sun just"
subtitle-92640-98610-22"letting off steam oh the sky will be"
subtitle-98610-103040-23"blue and you guys'll be there too"
subtitle-103040-106290-24"when I finally do what frozen things do"
subtitle-106290-110820-25"in summer I'm gonna tell him don't you"