Course-v1:edz+11+2023 SP/en/block-v1:edz+11+2023 SP+type@video+block@acdbd8bc0c7c4a7aaf6cd1242d3ff6bf

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description"video in Test Rerun Course - Learn the skills Topics for Impact organizers need to run consistent, high-impact campaigns that invite new contributors, partners, and supporters to the movement. "
subtitle-240-2280-1"The 2030 agenda for Sustainable"
subtitle-2280-4589-2"Development promises to make human"
subtitle-4589-6690-3"rights real for everyone everywhere. It"
subtitle-6690-9300-4"has 17 goals and gender equality cuts"
subtitle-9300-12389-5"across all of them. At a time when we're"
subtitle-12389-14639-6"facing conflict extremism and"
subtitle-14639-17640-7"environmental degradation, the SDGs focus"
subtitle-17640-20130-8"on sustainability equality peace and"
subtitle-20130-22289-9"progress. The SDGs challenge"
subtitle-22289-24119-10"deepening inequalities around the world"
subtitle-24119-26730-11"by committing to leave no one behind."
subtitle-26730-29699-12"The 2030 agenda is very clear there can be"
subtitle-29699-31710-13"no sustainable development without"
subtitle-31710-35160-14"gender equality. In reality however"
subtitle-35160-37739-15"gender inequalities are pervasive in"
subtitle-37739-39480-16"every dimension of sustainable"
subtitle-39480-42210-17"development. Globally women and girls are"
subtitle-42210-44390-18"over-represented among the extreme poor"
subtitle-44390-47940-19"330 million women and girls live on less"
subtitle-47940-51360-20"than 1 dollar 90 a day that's 4.4"
subtitle-51360-53399-21"million more than men. In nearly"
subtitle-53399-55440-22"two-thirds of countries women are more"
subtitle-55440-57739-23"likely than men to report for insecurity."
subtitle-57739-61109-24"Despite recent progress access to"
subtitle-61109-63270-25"quality education is still not universal."
subtitle-63270-67020-26"Globally 15 million girls will never get"
subtitle-67020-69600-27"a chance to read or write compared to 10"
subtitle-69600-72240-28"million boys. Climate change has it a"
subtitle-72240-74010-29"disproportionate impact on women and"
subtitle-74010-76619-30"children there are 14 times as likely as"
subtitle-76619-79650-31"men to die during a disaster."
subtitle-79650-81900-32"The majority of urban women are living in"
subtitle-81900-83759-33"conditions where they lack access to"
subtitle-83759-85850-34"clean water improved sanitation"
subtitle-85850-89790-35"facilities, durable housing or sufficient"
subtitle-89790-92150-36"living space."
subtitle-92150-95210-37"In many areas the current rate of"
subtitle-95210-97880-38"progress is too slow to achieve the SDGs"
subtitle-97880-101300-39"by 2030. To turn promises into action we"
subtitle-101300-104510-40"need to step it up now we need public"
subtitle-104510-107540-41"action to tackle inequalities and"
subtitle-107540-109700-42"discrimination. We need to invest in"
subtitle-109700-111950-43"policies and programs that work for"
subtitle-111950-114350-44"women and girls. We need more and better"
subtitle-114350-116540-45"data to assess whether what we are doing"
subtitle-116540-119840-46"for women and girls actually works."
subtitle-119840-121400-47"And we need greater accountability at all"
subtitle-121400-123730-48"levels for commitments made but not met."
subtitle-123730-126470-49"Let's turn these promises into action"
subtitle-126470-129590-50"and gender equality into a lived reality"
subtitle-129590-132830-51"for all women and girls. It's up to all"
subtitle-132830-134450-52"of us to ensure the journey is"