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description"html in Organizer Lab V2 – Designing campaigns and other Topics for Impact projects - Learn the skills Topics for Impact organizers need to run consistent, high-impact campaigns that invite new contributors, partners, and supporters to the movement. "
content"<style><!-- <span id="__caret">_</span>�<span id="__caret">_</span>�<span id="__caret">_</span>�<span id="__caret">_</span><!-- table { width: 100%; border-collapse: collapse; } td { vertical-align: top; padding: 10px; } img { max-width: 100%; height: auto; } --></style> <table> <tbody> <tr> <td><img src="" alt="File:Wikipedia y las biografías de personas LGBTT+.pdf" /> <p><em>The cover of the guide developed by Wikimedia Argentina to work on LGBTT+ biographies. Collaborations with community looking at these knowledge gaps has been an important part of the Gender and Human Rights programs in Argentina, giving access to organizers and contribution communities used to working in high complexity environments online.</em></p> </td> <td> <p>A number of Wikimedia communities have found greater strength in working on gender gaps, when they work beyond male-female or man-woman gender binaries by focusing on the knowledge gaps around LGBTT+ communities.</p> <p>For example, following many years of collaborations with LGBTT+ activists, Wikimedia Argentina published a significant guide titled <a href="" target="_blank">“Wikipedia y las biografías de las personas LGBTT+”: una guía de reflexiones y herramientas</a> in 2022. This guide, written in Spanish and tailored to Argentina, comprises insights and resources about Wikipedia and its approach to presenting biographies of LGBTT+ individuals. The guide focuses on how to represent LGBTT+ individuals and communities from an inclusive human rights perspective. Since then, the guide has been translated to Portuguese by Mais Teoria da História na Wiki and to English through a collaboration between <a href="" target="[object Object]">Wikimedia Argentina</a>, <a href="" target="[object Object]">Wikimedia LGBT+</a>, and <a href="" target="[object Object]">Art+Feminism</a>.</p> <p>When looking at ongoing editing initiatives, <a href="" target="_blank">The Country of the Month Challenge</a> (originally Desafío del País del Mes, in Spanish) aims to expand and improve relevant LGBT+ content on Wikipedia in Spanish within <a href="" target="_blank">Wikiproyecto LGBT+</a>. One country is chosen per month, and the creation or translation of articles that do not exist in the encyclopedia is proposed, as well as the improvement of existing articles. This initiative is a good example of a campaign tackling a specific knowledge gap — LGBT+ content —, in a specific language, and whose participation spans several Wikimedia communities from Latin America to Europe.</p> <p>Traditionally, the months of June and October have been opportunities for the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communities around the world to celebrate LGBT culture and history. These moments provide a global opportunity to come together to discuss and share the knowledge of people involved with the LGBT communities. Focused on these months, <a href="" target="_blank">“Wiki Loves Pride”</a> is a global campaign to expand and improve LGBT related content across several Wikimedia projects.  In the words of Gregory Varnum, LGBT activist and founder of WikiQueer, <em>“…a powerful opportunity for the LGBT communities to document and share our experiences and knowledge with the world. The further the LGBT movement advances, the more important it is that we think strategically about preserving our history and culture for future generations."</em></p> <p>To learn more about the experiences of the community working on these topics, you can check out <a href="" target="_blank">Queering Wikipedia</a> which was the first LGBTQ+ centered conference in the Wikimedia movement.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <p></p> <p></p>"