@metadata | sourceLanguage | "en" |
priorityLanguages | |
allowOnlyPriorityLanguages | true |
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.p | "hello You can use this template as a guide to the simple editor markdown and OLX markup to use for multiple choice problems. Edit this component to replace this template with your own assessment." |
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.label | "Add the question text, or prompt, here. This text is required." |
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.description | "You can add an optional tip or note related to the prompt like this. " |
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.1 | "an incorrect answer" |
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.2 | "the correct answer" |
problem.multiplechoiceresponse.choicegroup.choice.3 | "an incorrect answer" |