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Beyond specific medical treatments or conditions, broader public health issues often have a disproportionate impact on cis and transgender women and girls. Take for example, acts of gender-based violence such as rape, harassment, and female genital mutilation. These have both society-wide and individual impacts globally. The World Health Organization (WHO) <a href="" target="[object Object]">highlights some key factors:</a> 

  • Estimates published by WHO indicate that globally about 1 in 3 (30%) of women worldwide have been subjected to either physical and/or sexual intimate partner violence or non-partner sexual violence in their lifetime.
  • Most of this violence is intimate partner violence. Worldwide, around 27% of women aged 15-49 years who have been in a relationship report that they have been subjected to some form of physical and/or sexual violence by their intimate partner.
  • Violence can negatively affect women’s physical, mental, sexual, and reproductive health, and may increase the risk of acquiring HIV in some settings.

Online Gender based violence

Online Gender-Based Violence (OGBV) is deeply rooted in discriminatory social norms, gender inequality and often connected to offline violence. It is actively a barrier against women, girls and gender-diverse people’s freedom of speech and their involvement in the public agenda. <a href="" target="[object Object]">Research has shown OGBV undeniably widens the gender digital gap </a>and ultimately is a threat against peaceful, sustainable and gender equal societies.

Emerging themes in Gender based violence are not always covered well online, and reach the people who need when and where they need it. Online Gender Based Violence is a quickly changing field that affects people around the world, as the kinds of violence that happen only emerge in different spaces online. Read more about it in this <a href="" target="[object Object]">report by the Tech Lab at the Web Foundation</a>.